Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Acrylic paint Pattern Piece
Colored Pencil Door Handle
Acrylic Paint Pattern
Acrylic Paint Landscape
Acrylic Paint Self Portrait with Color Change

Here are just some examples of the different types of art I can do!

Bulletin Board

Feeling forgetful?

How about a bulletin board to put reminders?

And how about a cute bulletin board?


The following paintings are all abstract multimedia pieces.

  1. The top right was done with acrylic paint, oil paint, magazine pictures and wallpaper scraps.
  2. The middle piece was done with news paper, magazine pages, construction paper, marker, and acrylic paint.
  3. Last but not least, the last painting on the bottom right was made with rolled up book pages, paint, and cardboard.

Inspiring Quotes and Verses

Everyone has a favorite quote or Bible verse, 
so why not have those words written down and hung on the wall?

Send me your favorite quotes and a color scheme.

Price depends on canvas size.

Team Spirit

Everyone has there favorite team...

Let me know who you support and I can help make your house more team spirited!

Price depends on canvas size.

Love Cornhole?

How about custom painted cornhole boards?

They could be team themed, girly themed, or anything you want!

If you provide the boards I will paint them for $75


These are two simple initial paintings I did for my best friends.

Super cute to hang up in rooms above beds!

You tell me the color scheme and I'll make it happen

Price will depend on canvas size.

Pet Paintings

Here is an example of a painting of a pet.
I did this one for my brother with acrylic paint.

I would need you to send me a picture of your pet.
Price would depend on the size of canvas.

Painted Shoes

These are fun patterned shoes done with acrylic paint on simple tennis shoes that can be bought cheaply at Target.

If you buy the shoes I will paint them for $20
If I am buying the shoes and painting, the price will be $40